POP vs. POS Display – Know the Real Difference

Posted by Jim Walker

pos system

You may surely get confused between Point of Sale (POS) and Point of Purchase (POP). They have plenty of things in common and they also seem similar. Point of Purchase is a physical location where customers make their buying decisions. On the other side, Point of Sale is an area where they buy products and check out. For example, Grocery stores are a POP for a packet of bread, while POS is the aisle for checkout at the cash register.  

What is POP?

POP is the point where customers interact with the product, such as specialized POP displays, shelf facings, and promotional items. In addition, a buyer makes a buying decision which reflects their decision when they go to the checkout counter. The POP consists of facings on the shelf. POP and POS displays often go hand in hand. These are standalone screens. They cover floor space as standing displays, dump bins or clip strips. They are used as part of the sales strategy of brands to improve interaction. 

What is POS?

POS directly relates to interactions between customer and product which takes place when customer actually buys the product. It happens around the checkout counter. POS systems are like POP displays and serve the same purpose. They also grab the attention of shoppers. These displays also stay around the register. POS software is used by retailers for processing sales. The card reader which is used at the cash register is the most common example. 

How POS Displays Work?

There are certain variations with POS displays and why a brand may want to use them. These displays may often be the facings for a product while POP displays are second to a primary placement of a product. 

Benefits of POS Displays 

  • Semi-permanent fixtures
  • Single-packed items
  • Promoting impulse purchases 
  • Smaller displays and products 
  • Improving brand awareness
  • Temporary sales or promotions 

One of the best things about POS displays is that they assure that customers will interact with your product on their trip as every shopper ends up at the counter. This is the reason they are the best choice for products that are unable to make it on the shopping list of potential buyers. They may trigger consistent purchase when customers come in contact with them, such as bottled beverages, candy bars, and cosmetics. 

POS displays can also be used by the brands for promotions like special packaging or BOGO in the way that POP displays are used. 

Benefits of POP Displays 

  • Temporary sales or promotions 
  • Larger quantities of products or products
  • Products which are listed on shopping list of customers 
  • Improving brand presence
  • Mobility and versatility of display 
  • Pushing various packaging options 

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